There are few ways to earn a living that are more dangerous than working offshore or on a ship. What’s more, Texas workers’ compensation laws do not apply to injuries that happen on the job in these professions. Instead, you must seek benefits under a federal system known as the Jones Act.
A Beaumont Jones Act lawyer could help you pursue legal action against your employer if your injury occurred due to negligence. If successful, you can recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses. You could benefit from discussing your accident with a dedicated maritime attorney – so call us today.
The Jones Act is a federal law enacted in 1920. It offers many people who work at sea a path to compensation if they are injured in an employment-related incident. Instead of offering no-fault benefits like a worker’s compensation case, the Jones Act instead allows for a lawsuit against the employer. There is also the opportunity to seek wrongful death claims following fatal accidents.
This process is like a standard personal injury lawsuit in that seamen must prove that they were negligently injured on the job. The Jones Act allows legal action against an employer, so the company must ultimately be partially to blame. There is no requirement that the employer is solely at fault or even that they are the primary cause of the injury, and it is possible to pursue a case even if the company is relatively minor factor in causing the accident.
Identifying when legal action is available is not always simple. The good news is that an attorney in Beaumont could answer questions about the available options.
Only people working in certain industries have the opportunity to file a Jones Act claim. It exists to cover maritime workers who suffer employment-related illnesses or injuries, and this option is available for those who work at sea, but incidents that occur on land or at a dock could also be covered in some cases. The law applies to anyone assigned to an active vessel who spends a minimum of 30 percent of their hours working on that vessel. Some of the individuals who may qualify include the following:
To be eligible for this coverage, the incident must occur on a vessel that is either based in this country or owned by a United States citizen.
The Jones Act applies to a wide range of vessels and the accidents that occur on them. They include large and small options, from enormous cargo and container ships, down to smaller ferries.
In addition to the shipping industry, commercial fisherman may also be able to file a claim. These accidents can involve a wide range of hazards, like slipping and falling on deck. Other cases relate to being struck by falling objects or crushing injuries. The key question is whether or not a negligent act is the cause of the incident. A Beaumont lawyer could discuss further whether the Jones Act applies to a certain injury situation.
If you have been hurt during your career as a maritime worker, you may have a case for compensation against your employer. To be successful, you will need to show that your employer was ultimately at fault. Call a Beaumont Jones Act lawyer as soon as possible for a private consultation.
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