If someone runs into your parked car with their own vehicle, you may be wondering what to do next. Chances are, you are feeling a bit emotional because you were not expecting your day to include this unfortunate incident. Even though you might be angry, hopeless, or confused, take a deep breath, and follow a few simple steps to get the situation under control.
Whether there is a lot of damage or barely a scratch, if your car gets hit by another vehicle, you should treat it like an accident. These steps will help you cover all the right bases, so you can be certain that you did everything you are supposed to do:
If there is a note from the person who hit your car, and it gives information about their insurance company, you can call that number to report the accident and file a third-party claim. That allows you to recover your damages under the other person’s insurance policy.
The information you gather and the records you keep at the scene of the accident could be very important later if there are any questions about who is at fault. The clearer a picture you can put together of what actually happened, the more informed the insurance companies will be. Insurance companies need clear information to decide who pays for the damages.
Even though your car was parked, that does not automatically mean the person who hit it will accept full responsibility for the accident. It is better to be over-prepared for potential legal issues than to be under-prepared.
Calling the police to report minor damage to a parked car may not seem like the most obvious step to take. However, it is important to get the police involved because they will make an official police record about the incident. This record can be referred to by the insurance companies or by a lawyer if the case becomes a legal matter later.
If the person who hit your car did not stay on the scene and did not leave a note, then it will probably be considered a hit-and-run. In that case, it is a crime and should be addressed by the police.
Your insurance company is a good place to start if you have questions about who is going to pay for the damages to your parked car. However, if the accident was a hit-and-run, or if the other driver does not agree with the charges, you may need some legal advice. Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, LLP is committed to protecting the rights of our clients. We are highly-experienced auto accident attorneys, so contact us for a free consultation.
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