When you experience an injury at work or because of your job duties as a Costco employee, you deserve the chance to seek compensation from your employer. Costco should be responsible for the wellbeing of their workers, but obtaining your rightful benefits can be challenging, which is why you should work closely with a determined work accident attorney who knows how to help. The SSH team could help you find evidence in a Costco work injury claim in Houston and use that evidence to develop a solid claim for fair compensation.
Costco is a large warehouse chain that has many different locations in the state of Texas and around the country. Workers perform a wide range of tasks, many of which are physically demanding and strenuous, which can lead to injuries.
Warehouse work can be hazardous because employees need to operate with and around forklifts, and other heavy equipment and machinery. Forklift accidents can occur if the workers operating them are inexperienced or inattentive. Costco should provide training and supervision, but might skip out on it to save money and time. Forklift accidents can also happen when workers use machinery that is inherently defective or that has become worn out and in need of repairs.
Warehouse workers also must constantly lift and move large objects, which can be cumbersome and difficult to carry. Those heavy objects can fall from shelves or ladders. Broken bones, head injuries, crush injuries, and other trauma can occur in sudden accidents. Workers can also develop repetitive strain injuries, such as herniated discs in their back, from repeatedly lifting heavy objects.
Although people do not usually think of retail cashier work as a particularly demanding job, cashiers who ring up purchases are at risk of experiencing injuries. They sometimes perform the same physically demanding tasks as warehouse workers, when they must lift heavy items to check for their prices. They also are at risk of experiencing repetitive motion injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
People who drive trucks for Costco are at risk of experiencing harm in motor vehicle accidents. Like any other person in an automotive crash, they could experience head injuries, back and neck injuries, broken bones, and internal organ trauma.
A dedicated legal team could speak with an injured employee to learn the full impact the accident has had on a worker’s life.
Most workers cannot sue their employers for workplace injuries because they are instead eligible to collect workers’ compensation benefits. However, in Houston and in the rest of the state, private employers can elect to be non-subscribers to the statewide workers’ compensation system. One of the benefits of working for a non-subscriber employer, such as Costco, is that injured workers can sue those employers if they can prove negligence.
A hardworking local lawyer could skillfully examine the evidence from a workplace accident to determine what happened. They know where to look for proof of fault, including at the employee manual and handbook to learn about the training protocol and hiring procedures. They could also speak with coworkers, customers, and other people familiar with the working environment to see if the working conditions were unsafe.
Your employer should provide you with a working environment that is as safe as possible. If you believe you experienced harm because Costco was negligent and provided you with hazardous working conditions, you have legal rights.
Call a well-versed personal injury lawyer who could help you gather evidence in a Costco work injury claim in Houston. We are ready to speak with you.
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